Friday, February 1, 2013


With development coming along slowly, due to other commitments such as dissertation and work, I thought I would post some of the development progress, my mentor and industry professional Derek O'Brien has been working side by side with me to ensure development progress is made as my knowledge of Actionscript 3.0 is limited, but has been growing day by day.

So far a basic project has been created using a MVC Setup - Model View Controller system.

That looks as follows in Flash Builder 4.6 (The Software we are using to develop RSPB Beckingham Applications.

The basic Navigation system is almost complete using a tweening engine to animate any navigation movement.
(Excuse the colours, purely for development purposes)

The splash/loading screen for the application has been implemented and is looking pretty nice, if i do say so myself :)

With the basic Structure almost complete and with just testing and tweaks to be completed the map interactivity and content is about to be developed, currently the map is represented by this crude and unfinished image.

So all in all the development is coming along slowly but the initial demo of the application for Android smart phones looks to be completed in its alpha stages by the end of February, with further testing and extra phone support to be added during March.

Developed using Flash Builder 4.6
Deployed and test for HTC Desire HD

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