Friday, February 1, 2013


With development coming along slowly, due to other commitments such as dissertation and work, I thought I would post some of the development progress, my mentor and industry professional Derek O'Brien has been working side by side with me to ensure development progress is made as my knowledge of Actionscript 3.0 is limited, but has been growing day by day.

So far a basic project has been created using a MVC Setup - Model View Controller system.

That looks as follows in Flash Builder 4.6 (The Software we are using to develop RSPB Beckingham Applications.

The basic Navigation system is almost complete using a tweening engine to animate any navigation movement.
(Excuse the colours, purely for development purposes)

The splash/loading screen for the application has been implemented and is looking pretty nice, if i do say so myself :)

With the basic Structure almost complete and with just testing and tweaks to be completed the map interactivity and content is about to be developed, currently the map is represented by this crude and unfinished image.

So all in all the development is coming along slowly but the initial demo of the application for Android smart phones looks to be completed in its alpha stages by the end of February, with further testing and extra phone support to be added during March.

Developed using Flash Builder 4.6
Deployed and test for HTC Desire HD

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Site Map

Here are some renders of the application design/layout and a site map of the application.

Advertisement Ideas.

One of the highlighted points at my presentation was the lack of advertisement. As my brief states advertisement will be done by RSPB themselves in the form of a email/newsletter and on their website. I thought I would design some basic advertisement so people can get an idea of how my idea would be advertised with the branding and designs I have already made.

                                  Possible Advertisement for print or email.

Possible Website design or layout.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Later Today I will be presenting some of my ideas for the RSPB's upcoming application to fellow peers to gain vital feedback. Here are some of the design boards and photography I have done to get my ideas across. I will also be introducing my presentation with a beautiful video shot for the Stepping up for nature RSPB Campaign by the RSPB film crew. I felt the video was not only stunning but got across what the RSPB do, very well!

Video can be viewed here -

These are not finished Designs, just representation of my ideas in design form.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Me at Beckingham Marshes.

Photos Captured by my fiancĂ©e of me on set at the Beckingham Marshes.  

Beckingham Marshes Visit - 08/11/2012

To inspire me for the upcoming design and development of the RSPB's Beckingham Marshes Application, 
I decided to pay the marshes a quick visit and get to grips with the location.

Unfortunately getting there turned out to be more of a challenge than I had previously anticipated. To start with the satnav decided to take us on an incredibly scenic route, getting us fairly lost resulting on us being behind schedule. Set off at 1 pm and an hour or so journey took two+. With it being winter, daylight had already started to dwindle when we arrived. So we headed straight out on to the marshes to capture some photography in the last of the days light. 

here they are.